UPM BioVerno naphtha for traffic fuels


Renewable UPM BioVerno naphtha is an ideal biocomponent for gasoline and for replacing fossil feedstock. It is produced at the UPM Lappeenranta Biorefinery in Finland. The raw material is crude tall oil, a residue of pulp production.

UPM BioVerno fuels are advanced biofuels. Their production does not compete with the production of food when it comes to land-use or raw materials. Unlike first generation biofuels, UPM BioVerno fuels have no blending limit and distributors are able to use it at 100%.

As the raw material for UPM BioVerno naphtha is a residue, its production does not cause additional felling of trees.

Replaces fossil raw materials

Blends into transport fuels

Reduces greenhouse gas emissions


Wood-based UPM BioVerno naphtha is a chemically pure hydrocarbon that can be used as a biocomponent in fossil gasoline. It enables a higher biofuel content than using ethanol only.  UPM BioVerno reduces both CO2 and tailpipe emissions and has been tested in engine and vehicle tests on numerous makes and models in several acclaimed Finnish and international research facilities. It can also be used as a raw material for making bioplastics.


UPM BioVerno naphtha features

Product information

  • Made from crude tall oil - a residue of the pulp production process

  • A chemically pure hydrocarbon

  • A colourless, sulphur-free, paraffinic biocomponent

  • May be used as a biocomponent in fossil gasoline

  • Blending with gasoline enables a higher biofuel content than when using ethanol alone

  • Can be used as a raw material for making bioplastics and in other chemical industry solutions

Principal quality figures

  • Density (at 15 °C): max. 775 kg/m3 

  • Sulphur: max. 10 mg/kg

  • End point of distillation: max. 210 °C

Sustainability certification

  • ISCC EU, ISCC PLUS, RSB EU RED, RSB low ILUC risk and Finnish national sustainability scheme

Learn more about our advanced biofuels

Test results

Test results

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Fact & fable

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Contact us

Juha Rainio

Juha Rainio

Director, Sales & Marketing UPM Biofuels juha.rainio@upm.com Tel. +358 50 563 1337
Marko Snellman

Marko Snellman

Commercial Manager, UPM Biofuels marko.snellman@upm.com Tel. +358 400 837 852

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